The dinosaurs didn't have the foresight and intelligence to welcome their asteroid.
Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 4, 2015
I don’t think it is any coincidence that community organizers at Welcoming America have chosen mid September to put on “welcoming” events across the country. They know that this is the month when Obama will tell Congress how many refugees will be admitted in FY2016 which begins October 1st.

In his book describing the agenda to erase America, James Simpson goes into greater detail about the insidious community organizers at ‘Welcoming America.’
As we have been writing ad nauseum over the last few days, the federal contractors and 14 US Senators (we call them the Senate Jihad Caucus!) want an emergency plan from Obama to open our normal refugee flow of 70,000 (all nationalities) andadd another 65,000 Syrians nearly doubling our usual refugee admissions for the year.
You better check out this public relations plan, here at Welcoming America (hat tip: Dick).
Find an event near you during Welcoming Week. Maybe you will find a way to counter the impact—perhaps letters to the editor in your local paper about the strain of bringing in over 100,000 impoverished and culturally diverse people will have on your local communities.
Welcoming America says,
During the week of September 12-20, 2015, Welcoming America and its partners across the country will host National Welcoming Week, a nationwide event that will highlight the contributions of immigrants to American communities. Throughout the country, these events will bring together immigrants and U.S.-born community members in a spirit of unity.
This is all part of Obama’s plan to change America by colonizing your towns and cities with third world immigrants.
I first learned about Welcoming America in June of 2013. Originally funded with start-up money from one of George Soros many groups, they also receive grant money from the Office of Refugee Resettlement(from you that is!). We were told at that meeting in Lancaster, PA that Welcoming America had been hired by the feds to try to push back against growing “pockets of resistance” (their words!) where citizens were beginning to question the wisdom of bringing more poverty to America. ...