Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 6, 2015
I’m old enough to remember the time when Rep. Mo Udall wanted the federal government to control all land use decisions (zoning) in America (yes, he really did!) and the Left has been angling for that power for all the decades since. Udall’s mission, of course, was to protect the environment from developers (as one of its goals), Obama has another mission—to fundamentally change America by changing the people and will actually use developers happy to take the federal dollars to build low income housing in the midst of middle and upper class American neighborhoods (and don’t count on your elected officials to save you as they are addicted to federal cash!).

AJ Kern, Minnesota writer: In June US Supreme Court “granted the federal government the right to coerce neighborhoods to integrate based on racial quotas.”
Forty years later, Obama is pulling off what Udall couldn’t—federal control of zoning decisions with his Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing program, and the US Supreme Court*** has agreed that the federal government has this power!
People ask me all the time, how do I know if refugees are coming to my town? Well, here is one way to find out, see how entwined your local government is with HUD and local developers thrilled with the federal bucks coming their way. HUD money=seeding diversity in your town or city!
Here is AJ Kern writing at the St. Cloud Times to tell us how it will all works (hat tip: Dede):
If you agree with President Obama’s fundamental transformation of America from a free republic, where historically “We the People” have a voice, toward socialist-styled globalism, you’re going to love his strong-armed use of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Unless, of course, it affects your neighborhood.
On July 16, HUD provided its overreaching final version of the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing rule known as AFFH.
Claiming to further the purposes and policies of the Fair Housing Act of 1968, HUD will dangle federal dollars as an incentive to direct communities to “take significant actions to overcome historic patterns of segregation, achieve truly balanced and integrated living patterns, promote fair housing choice, and foster inclusive communities that are free from discrimination.”
In other words, communities must accept HUD’s brand of racial integration by building low-income housing in America’s neighborhoods following new stringent federal zoning requirements or lose eligibility for community development block grants — federal funding to which communities have become addicted.
No need for a citizen driven comprehensive plan or those pesky local land use planning boards.