Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 4, 2015
Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch has penned an excellent piece describing how what we are seeing in Europe is not a spontaneous wave of humanity simply looking for a better life, but in fact we are seeing the hijra—emigration for the cause of Allah.

Is the hijra coming to America? I think it is already here and I wrote about it. (Published by the Center for Security Policy and available at Amazon)
Remember how former Libyan leader Col. Gaddafi famously said Europe would be conquered:
We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe—without swords, without guns, without conquest—will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.
Hundreds of thousands more are on the way. Will it take a “few decades” or will one decade effectively finish western civilization in Europe as we know it?
Spencer (emphasis is mine):
Approximately 104,460 asylum seekers arrived in Germany during the month of August, setting a new record. That makes 413,535 registered refugees and migrants coming to Germany in 2015 so far. The country expects a total of around 800,000 people to seek asylum in Germany this year. And that’s just Germany. The entire continent of Europe is being inundated with refugees at a rate unprecedented in world history. This is no longer just a “refugee crisis.” This is a hijrah. ...