Posted by Ann Corcoran on September 4, 2015
A reader has just alerted us to yet another federal refugee contractor, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), one-upping the other two contractors we have reported on, here and here both demanding that Obama admit 65,000 Syrians in FY2016. We thought those were outrageous demands!

Linda Hartke, CEO of LIRS, sent out the urgent e-mail to their members. LIRS is approximately 97% funded with your tax dollars!
But get this…..
LIRS wants 100,000 Syrians! Either they are completely insane or they know Obama is on the edge and needs a little push! Maybe if they say 100,000, Obama will settle for 65,000!
Here is what our reader says was in his e-mail alert:
“Refugees fleeing Syria need you.
I am asking you to join us with three simple actions that can make a real difference:
Act – In response to this global refugee crisis, the largest since World War II, you can urge the President and Congress to increase the annual refugee admissions goal, or “Presidential Determination” from the 2015 number of 70,000 to 200,000 for 2016 and prioritize receiving 100,000 Syrian refugees in this number.
Click here to send to urge President Obama and Congress to increase the number of refugees resettled this year and to prioritize Syrians.
We’ve been telling you about the importance of the timing on all this right now with the “Presidential Determination” due to be sent to Congress for “consultation” within a couple of weeks. The escalating migrant crisis in Europe isn’t helping either.
This will be a great test for the Republicans running Congress—will they once again rubber stamp what Obama wants?