Monday, July 25, 2016

Refugee R Watch: Third World flood is all about a ready supply of cheap labor--has nothing to do with 'compassion'!

Posted by Ann Corcoran on July 25, 2016
One important thing I’ve confirmed in my heartland tour of America so far is something I knew, but had never seen the evidence so clearly.
Forget the idea that resettling refugees from the third world to your Midwestern towns is driven by compassion for the poor and downtrodden.  It is driven by greed and MONEY as big companies reap the rewards of a steady supply of cheap (some say slave) labor, aided and abetted by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service and the other phony ‘religious’ charities hired by the US State Department (for a billion bucks!) to drop off the ‘New American’ laborers!
It is a brilliant business plan. Big industries, like BIG MEAT, want the cheap labor and you (taxpayers) supplement the low salaries with welfare payments of all sorts.
Then if you say a word about how your community is socially, culturally and economically disturbed, you are called a racist, a hater, a xenophobe and so on.
In many cases your elected officials (and the local Chambers of Commerce) are in on it (are elected officials getting campaign donations?), and to top it off the parasites, like Welcoming America, receive federal grants (your money) to propagandize your towns.
Why do I call Welcoming America***parasites?  Because they have another agenda and are just feeding off the cheap labor business model of large multinational corporations.  They are looking for more Leftwing (progressive) voters to lock up the political system for their socialist goals.

You, the average American, who liked your town just as it was and who wants jobs for your own kids and grandkids, are vilified and attacked.

Volunteers helping to resettle the refugees are just being used by the phony church groups and those greedy businesses.
Someone gave me this poster being distributed in North Dakota recently. 
The US Department of Labor (led by the despicable Tom Perez, thank God Hillary passed him up for VEEP) is giving grants to teach “New Americans” job skills so they can take your jobs and your kids’ jobs! (And, you pay for it!)

This is a poster “For New Americans” (red banner line):

post for New Americans

You can’t read it all, but the last line says: “This workforce solution was funded in part by a grant awarded by the US Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration. A member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System.”

Do you see now why they hate Donald Trump so much when he talks about slowing the flow of immigration to America!