Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 7, 2016
As I watched the news the first thing this morning, what trend jumped out at me—in those states that are must-wins for Trump like North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, Michigan and even New Hampshire, what is the common thread? They are states where the immigrant population is expanding greatly with refugee resettlement as one factor. Immigrants generally vote for Democrats because they fear their social services (aka welfare) will be reduced under a Republican president.
Muslim immigrants vote mostly for Democrats because they know the Dems will permit the Hijra (the migration) to continue unimpeded.

20,000 greet Trump in Minneapolis yesterday. See Conservative Treehouse for the story and more photos: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2016/11/06/donald-trump-rally-minneapolis-minnesota-300pm-live-stream/
Trump had the guts to raise the Somali problem in Minnesota yesterday.
Remember Democrat Governor Dayton famously told an audience in St. Cloud last year, an audience of native Minnesotans, if you don’t like our (Somali) immigrants move to another state.
Trump is appealing to Minnesotans to help save their state by voting for him.
Here is news from the Daily Caller on Trump’s Minnesota stop yesterday (I think he might be going back again today, or is it Mike Pence returning to MN?):
Donald Trump told Minnesotans at a rally Sunday that this is “our last chance,” as he described a state hit hard by trade deals and refugee resettlement.
Minnesota is a historically Democrat state, and Clinton has had a solid lead in the most recent polls of the state. Trump, however, said at his rally at an airport hanger that he feels “good about Minnesota.”
Two main focuses of his platform — stopping refugees from coming into the U.S. and renegotiating trade deals — could find a receptive audience in the midwestern state.
“Oh Minnesota, Oh Minnesota, you know what’s going on, you know what I’m talking about. Be politically correct, just nod, just quietly nod,” Trump said.
“Hillary wants a 550 percent increase of Syrian refugees pouring into our country, and she wants virtually unlimited immigration and refugee admission from the most dangerous regions of the world to come into our country and to come into Minnesota and you know it better than anyone.”
There was recently a stabbing attack by a Somali ISIS sympathizer in St.Cloud, Minnesota, and there have been several ISIS-related arrests of Somalis in Minneapolis. Minneapolis is home to the nation’s largest Somali population, about 30,000. [Official number perhaps, but the population in the whole state is much higher—ed]
“If you want people to just pour into Minnesota, just vote for Hillary Clinton,” Trump said.