Israel Today
Secrecy abounds as Unaccompanied Alien Children arrive in massive numbers again, on par with 2014!
Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 3, 2016
No surprise! Election year silence about invasion at our Southern Border, as they make a mad dash for America before Trump is elected!
In 2014 it was wall-to-wall media coverage of the run on our southern border by what turned out to be mostly teenage boys from Central America. The country was stunned that year as over 53,000 so-called Unaccompanied Alien Children were seeking asylum from Central American countries, mostly El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

In 2015 68% of the “children” entering the US were 15-18 years old. And, 68% were males!
They have become the wards of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, although they are NOT refugees. Legitimate refugees must prove they would be persecuted for race, religion, political persuasion if returned to their home country. Running from crime or lack of opportunity is not a legal criteria to receive refugee status.
The cost to the US taxpayer is approaching $1 Billion a year to care for the ‘kids’ (see below). More than half of ORR’s whole budget is for these illegal aliens!
A few hundred alien ‘kids’ short of the 2014 levels!
After a slowdown in 2015, to about half the number, in FY2016 the number for the year rose to 52,147!!! And, have you heard a peep from the media (other than some on-line websites) about the huge numbers being distributed around the country? Go hereand see how many your state received in FY2016.***
What got me thinking about this was an article yesterday by Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart where he reported on an emergency intergovernmental conference call to identify federal properties in which to place the thousands still arriving. Here is how he opens his story:
The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is holding a series of emergency conference calls with all departments and agencies of the federal government requiring them to search for and vet “properties to temporarily house [unaccompanied alien children]” because “the need for facilities continues to grow.”
Turns out there is a multi-agency Facility Task Force (FTF) for the Unaccompanied Children (UC) scouting for properties near you! LOL! The feds have completely abandoned the word “alien” from what they at one time referred to as ‘Unaccompanied Alien Children.’
NOT refugees!
Let me remind readers, these ‘children’ are not ‘refugees,’ they are not legitimate asylum seekers either, but the Open Borders agitators and the Obama Administration have been working for the last 8 years to change the definition of a refugee for this group of illegal aliens—now numbering in the tens of thousands and distributed to all 50 states and the District of Columbia! The wide distribution is going to make it extremely difficult to ever locate them again!
NOT little children!
The younger children in the chart (below) actually crossed the border with Mom, but they don’t tell you that. And, although they apparently have not tabulated the ages of the ‘children’ in FY2016, the pattern is likely similar for the fiscal year that just closed on September 30th.
Mostly males!
They are costing taxpayers nearly a BILLION bucks annually!
This (below) is the projected cost for the ‘kids’ in FY2017 from the House Appropriations Committee Report (and these are FY2016 levels!!!). Look for efforts in the lame duck session of Congress to increase taxpayer funding for the mostly teenage illegal alien boys.
***Here are the top states (received over 1,000 each just this past fiscal year) where the UACs were distributed to “sponsors.” This is a good indicator of which states have the most illegal aliens from Central America. Go here for all the states, and note there is a link for counties there too.
California (7,381)
Texas (6,550)
Florida (5,281)
New York (4,985)
Maryland (3,871)
Virginia (3,728)
New Jersey (2,637)
Georgia (1,735)
Massachusetts (1,541)
North Carolina (1,493)
Tennessee (1,354)
All of our posts on this topic are tagged ‘Unaccompanied minors’ because that was a tag we used years ago, before the designation (terminology) for these ‘children’ went through an evolution. ...