Edit: due to popular demand, companies which merely supported Hillary or Democrats have been removed!
- Gab.ai - new alternative to twitter without sjw censorship
- Delorenzo Pizza in Robbinsville, NJ
- Avon Import Auto Clinic (in Ohio) - huge Trump supporters!
- Sli.mg
- Small businesses, local farmers, local gun shops
- If anyone happens to be in west Wisconsin/east MN please get your cars fixed at St. Croix Autoworks in Lakeland MN. Based mechanics and he thinks they are having a lack of business due to political shit
- Dominos Pizza
- Papa John's Pizza
- Chick-fil-A
- Taco Bell (but don't buy their Pepsi products!)
B A S E D News Sources
- Louder With Crowder - this one has been a little controversial
- RT - some have found this controversial
- Tom Brady
- Bill Belichick
- Mike Rowe
- Sheriff David A. Clark Jr
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio
- Nigel Farage
- Trey Gowdy
- General Michael T. Flynn
- Clint Eastwood
- Tucker Carlson
- Amazon - owned by Jeff Bezos
- The NFL - this is a big one but has been requested multiple times. Any opposition?
- GrubHub (CEO is a total cuck) and their subsidiary, Seamless
- CARRIER Air Conditioning (moved production to Mexico) - Obsolete --tma
- Lifeway Foods - CEO Julie Smolyansky trashed President Trump.
- ConAgra - they're closing up and moving to MEXICO
- Comet Ping Pong, Besta Pizza, Terasol, Politics and Prose and Beyond Borders - see r/pizzagate
- Required mention: social media such as Facebook, Google, Twitter, Imgur, YouTube - all censored pro-Trump stuff. If you use these to post pro-Trump stuff, weigh the benefits. Trump did use SM to win the election.
- Disney - they're cucked and many are clamoring for them to be added.
- Starbucks (by popular demand)
- People who sit/kneel for the National Anthem
- George Soros
- Jay Z
- Beyonce Knowles
- Katy Perry
- Miley Cyrus
- Bruce Springsteen
- Neil Young
- Lena Dunham
- Amy Schumer
- John Oliver
- Will Smith
- Lady Gaga
- Marina Abramovic
- Mark Cuban
- Stephen Colbert
- Trevor Noah
- The Young Turks
- Wanda Sykes
- Robert Deniro
- Seth Rogen
- John Legend
- Patton Oswalt
- Louis CK
- Sarah Silverman
- Russell Brand
- Kenneth Cole
- Shaun King
- Joss Whedon
- Seth MacFarlane
- Elon Musk (yes, Elon Musk and at the very least his solar city project)
- George Takei
- Seth Meyers
- Megyn Kelly
- Patrick Stewart - ‘Trump is one of the very worst things to happen to our World in the last 100 years’
C U C K E D "news"
- Time Warner (CNN, HBO, the CW, etc)
- Washington Post - owned by Jeff Bezos
- Comcast (MSNBC, NBCUniversal, Dreamworks, etc.)
- Huffpost
- Gawker
- Failing NY Times
- NY Daily News
- Vox
- Salon
Paul Ryan
John McCain
If we can organize and spread the message to all true Trump supporters we can have a huge impact on these companies' bottom lines, for good or bad.