Posted by Ann Corcoran on December 7, 2016

See my previous post, here.
Yikes! She will be in DC to get the annual award at the Kemp Leadership Award dinner.
He [deputy chief of staff] said she would already be in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday to attend the Kemp Leadership Award Dinner.
Haley is receiving the conservative organization’s annual award in recognition of “exceptional leadership in public policy or private enterprise in advancing the American Idea.
Yes, the 'American Idea.' Kemp would have faced an onrushing Zombie Apocalypse by smilingly speechifying at the top of his lungs on how, although dead, zombies can be truly energized, liberated and empowered by being given the opportunity to become bustling go-getter business entrepreneurs! It is that neocon idea--liberals have their own version--that you can take anyone in the world, sprinkle them with American magic pixie dust and--Shazam!--they become Western Europeans, American version. --tma
Kemp, conservative on economics, was an open borders advocate. See here at VDARE in 2014 ‘The Strange Rebirth of Jack Kemp Republicanism.’

Be sure to see Ann Coulter: Save us from Paul Ryan and the Kemp boys!
VDARE also tells us in that same article that Rep. Paul Ryan worked for a think-tank created to promote Kemp’s ideas and considered Kemp a mentor!
Rep. Paul Ryan is leading Republican efforts to pass Amnesty in the House of Representatives. Ryan actually worked for Kemp at Empower America (a now defunct and largely unremembered think-tank) and cites him as a mentor.
And, today! Haley is getting a big award in Kemp’s memory!
The Post & Courier goes on to report that she will visit with Tennessee Senator Bob Corker (Mr. Iran deal!) who (like Haley) has done nothing to slow the flow of refugees to his state and has also snubbed constituents concerned with the influx of Somali and other Muslim refugees to the state.
On Tuesday afternoon, Senate Foreign Relations Chairman Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said he anticipated talking with Haley in the days ahead.
“I had a very constructive conversation with her when she was appointed and look forward to talking to her this week,” Corker said.
Continuing with the report in the Post & Courier, we learn she is meeting with the man she really preferred as President, Senator Marco Rubio, who we know will forever be known as one of the Gang of Eight which attempted to get amnesty through Congress while Obama was President.
During her visit this week, she will likely meet with other members of the Foreign Relations Committee, including U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who Haley endorsed for president during the Republican primary. She could also drop in on the offices of some Democrats, such as the committee’s ranking member, U.S. Sen. Ben Cardin of Maryland.
And, Cardin is about as far left as anyone in the Senate, what could she possibly say to him to make him not oppose her (that is what scares me, what will she say!).

Two Swamp Monster pals of Nikki Haley! Senators Rubio and Graham
And the final nail in her coffin from my point of view is her close relationship to Lindsey (Bring’em all in) Graham. In 2015, before Obama opened the Syrian floodgates, Graham was introducing legislation to do just that, see here.
Post & Courier continues:
Recently, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said he looked forward to introducing Haley to his colleagues when the time came for her to come to Washington to make the rounds.
So much for draining the swamp!
I admit Trump is a lot smarter than I am, but I still don’t get this pick for the United Nations, unless reining-in the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program is NOT a top agenda item.
If Trump wanted a woman, two tough loyal candidates come to mind: Gov. Sarah Palin and former Rep. Michele Bachmann, who would not have taken one second of politically-correct crap from the likes of Antonio Guterres. Or, any pressure from the all powerful Organization of Islamic Cooperation!
One of my readers suggested this job is a “nothingburger” job, and I respectfully disagree!
We will be keeping a close watch on Turtle Bay when Haley gets there.