Monday, January 2, 2017

TOO - Speak out for Europeans, the Tolerance Police come after your mom: The case of Richard Spencer in Whitefish, Montana --tma

Image result for whitefish montana

Current events oddly compel me to once again broach the subject of the newly most hated man in America: Richard Spencer. But this time the topic isn’t the man, but his mother. America is currently in the throes of a gripping drama known (by me) as “Richard Spencer’s Mom-gate.”
Most readers probably know the story. Richard Spencer’s mother lives in a small town in Montana. As Richard manages to get himself in the news quite a bit, his mother is increasingly being harassed by a predominantly Jewish local group. This consists of a shrewish Jewish real estate agent and a puzzlingly too-much-time-on-his-hands reform Rabbi, as well as others in a group ironically titled “Love Lives Here” that are determined to protest the fact that Richard Spencer has a Mom he loves who dares to live there.
Clearly, Spencer should either not have a Mom, or if he has to, she should live somewhere where there are no people to be offended by her existence. Maybe 20 miles east, up on a glacier. But not in a beautiful town named Whitefish (which, by the way, is the exact type of fish my own Mom uses in her homemade gefilte fish). ...