In the run-up to "Canada" Day you may have come across a series of short video vignettes submitted by "Canadians" to the CBC, which had encouraged them to "tell your story." And so they did, in droves.
But curiously it seemed that only "New" Canadians were so inclined. White home-grown, old-stock Canadians who wreaked of normality, heterosexuality or 'privilege' were conspicuous in their absence. I wonder why?
The truth is, the CBC is not interested in ordinary Canadians, but extraordinary Canadians. Poster boys for the first post-national state. That is, they want to showcase the Canadians who cut the politically correct mustard or pass the ideological litmus test. Only tolerant and enlightened Canadians need apply. Friends of the CBC, in other words. They do not want to "reflect" the image of present day Canada as much as to depict the image of the Canada they want to see unfold, the Canada of the future, the Canada they are trying to engineer. ...