Tuesday, October 10, 2017

RRW - Scranton, PA school district struggling under weight of needy refugee students - Current White House continues Obama-Ryan-Bush refugee policy of erasing Middle America

Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 9, 2017
The next time you see one of those head-scratching claims that assert that bringing more third world poverty to a dying city will revitalize it, think about this news from Scranton.  (Pennsylvania is usually one of the top ten states ‘welcoming’ refugees.)
And, instead of leaving this admonition to the end where you might miss it, here is what you need to do.  (See my post on focusing on local and state action where one of the targets of your political action should be mayors!)
First, try to get your paper to do a study like this one about your local education department, the place where a negative impact on your community usually shows up first.  It is really unusual to see an analysis like this one.  If the paper won’t do it—you should do it!
Then of course use the information to ‘educate’ your elected officials. ...
Here is the Times-Tribune:
Scranton classrooms seat more students today than they have in at least 25 years. With 10,222 students enrolled as of last week, the district is also experiencing:
Low-income enrollment of 82.5 percent. The number is the highest in the region and up from 60 percent in 2010. ...