Saturday, November 11, 2017

RRW: Declining population? Polish government says “breed like rabbits!” - Yes, higher White birthrates, but no solution, my 2-cents worth at link. --tma

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Image result for crowded los angeles freeway

Posted by Ann Corcoran on November 10, 2017
We all know that Europe is in trouble because Europeans are not having enough children to replace themselves and most countries have opted for the migrant solution by welcoming the more fecund Africans and Middle Easterners to live in their countries expecting those younger ‘workers’ to care for the European old folks! (They really believe that!).
The Poles have taken another tack and needless to say, the PC police are hopping mad! ...

[Link to remainder of RRW article at bottom]

     Yes, lower birthrates is the primary reason for the third world invasions of the West. This is why they began, if in lesser numbers, back in the Baby Boom 1960s, and why Japan is now welcoming in floods of Africans, Indians, Chinese and Muslims. Seriously, I definitely agree that this is not an ideal time for us to reduce our numbers.

     While it is not wise today for White population numbers to drop, I respectfully do not quite agree with Ann's apparent assessment. Open-borders anti-White genocide began in the US in 1965, in the immediate wake of the Baby Boom. In Europe as well, elites long ago decided it was okay to be flooded by third world workers from their former colonies--not because of an extreme worker shortage, but because of a slave-wage worker shortage, not to mention there were the beginnings of the imaginings of a Globalist utopia among our pea-brained ruling elites.

     Despite what the US Chamber of Commerce might propagandize, it is natural for populations to fluctuate. That we must ALWAYS grow is the philosophy of the locust swarm and the cancer cell. 

     Strange, isn't it, that it is only European ethnics who must breed like rabbits or other peoples who do breed like rabbits will be needed to, gosh, oh so naturally and unstoppably, swarm in upon us. Imagine if Whites in the West, when they were experiencing their post-WWII baby booms were to have swarmed in upon nations like Japan, taking over their neighborhoods, moving in on their jobs, overwhelming and suffocating their cultures. Everyone in the world would have thought it was perfectly natural, right? [sarc]

     In fact, usually what happens due to labor shortages caused by lowering populations is that wages go up. Similarly as populations go down, home prices go down and social mobility goes up. Many of us have read some of the details about the European Black Plague. If you ever have, you found out it was unimaginably worse than you had imagined. However one silver lining was that after it was over--after killer wave after killer wave swept through Europe--because of the massive population reduction, there took place a huge amount of upward mobility  eventually leading to much prosperity, a social mobility for average people that in a heavily populated pre-Plague feudal Europe had been next to impossible.

     Thank God we have had no major disease depopulations, today usually related to overpopulation famines, for some time, but whatever benefits would have come from our having voluntarily lowered our population numbers in the last few decades, like higher wages, more promotions, more social mobility, even fewer insufferable productivity-lowering traffic jams, were robbed from us by Multi-Marx/predatory-capitalist Globalist elites who simply folded lower population numbers into all their other excuses--humanitarianism, the West 'is a land of immigrants,' blah, blah, blah--for using mass migration to overwhelm and erase troublesomely individualistic and dynamic Whites and their cultures. 

     The birth decisions of European peoples tend to be comparatively more futuristically responsible in the long-term, of course to our way of thinking. True, in past centuries high infant and childhood mortality and frontier labor demands to work the land, sometimes made it more practical to have larger families.

     Poland's population may very well shoot up because they are becoming more prosperous and optimistic about the future, because they have had patriotic leaders who have kept the invaders out. Unlike us, they can be more secure that their grandkids won't be raped, run over, beheaded and eventually dispossessed. Do Europeans in Muslim shantytown Paris or Londonistan reflexively feel like dashing toward their bedrooms to merrily procreate new bouncing bundles of joy to be sacrificed to their worsening third-world anti-White wood-chipper future? Doubtful.

     Generally White people, it is theorized, having originated in northern climes, have developed a natural tendency to have fewer children than southern hemisphere people. European ethnics tend to live in small monogamous nuclear families, not large spreading clans. They need to soberly prepare for and make provisions so that their kids will survive the next cold dark winter. 

     Developing away in isolation from southern hemisphere and desert peoples for thousands of years, there is probably a natural-selection genetic component to the way we are. By the way, this is a big reason why assimilation of drastically differing peoples NEVER works. When people sing the praises of past assimilations in the US, they usually gloss over the glaring fact that those previous assimilations were almost all made up of genetically culturally more similar Europeans.  

      For our survival, massive deportations eventually will be necessary. Except for criminals, think peaceful, voluntary, with major incentives, cheaper than countless lifetime social programs and criminal justice costs. 

     Although we will not be able to out-breed southern hemisphere, jungle, desert and dry mountain peoples, who have been shipped into our historic homelands by the Globalists--such as war criminals Merkel and Trudeau--I am hoping, seemingly paradoxically, that there might be greater optimism for having more complete families, maybe even featuring a mother and a father, when we finally decide to fight, let's hope nonviolently, and we can imagine the rebirth of our ancient beautiful European cultures on the other side of today's looming abyss.