Posted by Ann Corcoran on February 12, 2018
Editor: Occasionally we post guest comments/opinion pieces from readers. This, below, is a comment a resident of Minnesota posted at this story last week:
Before you read Bob Carrillo’s comment, you might want to visit Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch yesterday about Republicans and Dems (pandering!) in the Minnesota state legislature by proposing to give nearly $20 million in taxpayer dollars to Somali community development (because of course we all know that poverty produces Islamic terrorists—NOT!).
(This post will be filed in my ‘What you can do’ category—don’t be afraid to speak!)
From Bob Carrillo (highlighting is mine):
This week (Tuesday 2/6) was caucus week in Minnesota.
Two nights ago, I found myself compelled to call in to a local radio talk show host (Walter Hudson) (IHeart Radio 1130 AM – “Closing Argument”).
He was interviewing Mr. Phillip Parrish, a fairly straight laced, no nonsense, gubernatorial candidate for the State of Minnesota; a personality and intellect sorely need here in the land of Minnesota denial…
Don't know about Hudson, but the Neocons and many of the Constitutionalists and Libertarians are worse than the Left. Since they would rather be bitten on the butt by a fer-de-lance than be called bigoted, they will often support or fall silent on open borders. And yet on other issues, like 'Support Our Troops!' or 'Defend the Constitution!' they can sound so sensible they are lulling average Americans into not jumping out of the 'Diversity Is Our Strength!' frying pan until it will be demographically too late.