Over the last few years, we have been witnessing significant changes in the Western political landscape with the rise of so-called populist parties in most White countries. One of the reasons explaining the popularity of those parties is definitely the growing perception of mass immigration as a threat to our way of life. But it is important to note that most of these political formations described as "populist" or "far right" by the mass media do not necessarily argue for the end of immigration per se, but for a "better" management of immigration and the end of multiculturalism. Instead of talking about reversing the flow, most of these so-called "far right" politicians are putting forward the assimilation of the newcomers.
It must be said though that the rise of these parties can be considered a victory in itself as it demonstrates that despite the constant PC propaganda people are starting to awaken to the danger of mass immigration and the problems inherent in multiculturalism. That being said, we need to be extremely careful and avoid seeing this legitimate discontent directed to a dead end street.
And the promotion of assimilation rather than remigration is exactly that. ...
Very well stated. Obviously cross-racial assimilation is only possible in the sense of 'The exception proves the rule.' Likely a lot of conservatives trumpet assimilation as an inoculation against accusations of racism. Sort of like 'Nothing’s wrong with importing millions of Klingons so long as we make sure they are properly assimilated--darn it!' Maybe similar to the way conservatives have felt that any time they dare criticize levels of illegal or refugee migrant numbers they must at the same time praise to the sky the tsunami of third world legal immigrants.
The hollowness of the 'universal values' or 'idea nation' argument immediately reveals itself as nonsensical because such ‘universal’ values are Western, or at least the modern leftist branch of Western thinking. Of course 'universal values' itself is mostly a Western utopian dream. Imagine if, say, China were to believe it could be flooded by never ending millions of high birthrate Europeans while Chinese civilization would continue to glide gloriously forward still keeping to the obvious Universal Values of Chinese Communism, neo-Confucianism and Kung Pao Chicken. Tragicomically only Western elites have been able to convince themselves of these bizarre suicidal fantasies and impose them upon the rest of us by various forms of 'soft totalitarianism.'