Posted by Ann Corcoran on March 2, 2018
I couldn’t help seeing the irony yesterday when I posted on how Denmark is attempting to break up ethnic ghettos that have developed in certain housing projects in that country, see here, while we in the US are still building our ethnic enclaves even using tax dollars to do it!
And, before you move on, don’t miss Leo Hohmann last night who posted on a startling comment from German Chancellor Angela Merkel—yes, she admitted they have no-go zones in some German cities.
In Seattle they are literally building-in separateness!
So much for assimilation! ...
Mona Haydar does not mention Arab-run slavery, still in existence, nor that if you go far enough back in history all groups have migrated. Even in Africa there have been enough migrations all over that continent that it is highly doubtful any group of people is in their original location. But if ignorant and hateful people believe this, that the suffering of the poor in the world is due to Europeans 'rigging' the system, wouldn't that justify the displacement and death of Whites, as took place in Zimbabwe, once Rhodesia, and is now going on is South Africa, and in its earlier stages in Sweden, Germany, UK, Canada and America?
By the way, I like Mona's "systemic infrastructural injustice." Used to be termed--after it was found that equality under the law did not magically uplift minorities out of group dysfunction--'institutional racism.' Coming up with new blame words is so much easier than working like hell, not forgetting to have some fun, until you and your family are successful.