Five years ago, the hipster-Marxist magazine n+1 published a lengthy editorial, White Indians [Spring 2013] complaining that Indians—i.e. Asians from the subcontinent of India—were doing too well. They were making money, staying out of trouble, attending colleges, and generally integrating. Some of them—Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley—were even becoming Republicans!
The n+1 Editors were not pleased by any of this, lamenting that Indian success was being used as a rhetorical cudgel by American whites to demand better behavior of other non-whites. They called on Indians to stop being so “white” and instead model themselves after Kumar, the slacker Indian pothead from the stoner comedy Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. Their conclusion was more nuanced than it seems and it may be coming true—and it points to the downside of a merit-based immigration policy. ...