Saturday, August 18, 2018

AmRen: A European View on White Survival - Conversation between Grégoire Canlorbe and Daniel Conversano - "I consider Trump a very great leader ... I sincerely hope that Trump’s mandate will not be the swan song of white America."

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Personally, I consider Trump a very great leader, who has revitalized the US economy and is restoring the power of the United States after the grim Obama years. Obviously, he defends American interests first and foremost on the international scene, and that’s perfectly normal. However, given the demographic dynamics of the United States, I am afraid that Trump will not be re-elected in 2020. Yet, a victory of the Democrat camp would cancel everything that Trump is trying to do. I think there could be a Zuckerberg candidacy, and his victory would be a disaster. I sincerely hope that Trump’s mandate will not be the swan song of white America.
I cultivate a strong interest in, and feel a great affection for, the Slavic-Orthodox culture. As for knowing whether it’s better to get closer (in the long run) to America or Russia, I think it’s worth keeping in mind that Putin is not concerned with establishing what would be a sort of a white empire, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Although the Slavs are undeniably white, they do not worry very much about the fate of France or Germany, faced with the Arab-Muslim and African invasion. Putin already has his hands full with his own Muslim population.
From a nationalist point of view, I therefore do not see France’s interest in isolating us from the United States and getting closer to Russia exclusively, in the vain hope that Putin will come and clean up the mess here. Establishing neutral diplomatic relations with both countries, while waiting to see how the United States evolves after the Trump era seems to me to be the smartest option.
Grégoire Canlorbe: What program do you propose, ultimately, to repel the migratory invasion and save the bio-cultural identity of France?
Daniel Conversano: I think that the gravity of the situation in which France finds itself is not understood abroad. The figures are uncertain, but in the most optimistic perspective, we are at 15 million non-Europeans, that is to say Africans and Arab Easterners—perhaps even as many as 20 to 25 million—out of a population of 70 million. That makes a third of the population, which is considerable.
By eliminating the social benefits to foreigners, we could at least close the migratory tap. As Guillaume Faye likes to point out, it never occurs to an African to go to Japan, since there, nothing is offered to him. France and the rest of Europe must copy the Japanese model of immigration.
As for Muslims, I am in favor of establishing a legal climate that makes it clear that they are not welcome on the French soil—including the prohibition and the closing of mosques, the prohibition of teaching the Koran. In this way, Muslims will be dissuaded from staying in or coming to France; and Muslims will return home
We can still win. But the battle must begin as soon as possible.