Saturday, January 4, 2020

Gregory Hood: Can We Save Conservatism from Itself?


Recently, National Review’s Rich Lowry put out what he called “A Defining Statement of Modern Conservatism,” complete with a giant picture of Ronald Reagan. The idea that Ronald Reagan should be what’s inspiring today’s generation of conservatism is so out of touch that it’s hard to believe he’s being serious.
Mr. Lowry never mentions immigration. Or demographics. Or race. Or identity. Instead, he worries about deficit spending under Elizabeth Warren.
Mr. Lowry does say that Republicans need to start worrying about the effect of “toxic individualism” and the breakdown of the culture. He also says Reagan’s libertarianism, exemplified in his famous “A Time for Choosing” speech, (or simply “The Speech” for conservative movement vets), didn’t face the same cultural problems we have today. ...