Monday, April 13, 2020

Yahoo: Jane Goodall says 'disrespect for animals' caused pandemic - Our factory farming is sad but a shocking aspect of these wet markets beyond direct cruelty is that animals seem to be thought of as if they were bars of soap the grocery shelf --tma


Paris (AFP) - World-renowned British primatologist Jane Goodall says the coronavirus pandemic was caused by humanity's disregard for nature and disrespect for animals.
Goodall, who is best known for trail-blazing research in Africa that revealed the true nature of chimpanzees, pleaded for the world to learn from past mistakes to prevent future disasters.
During a conference call ahead of the release of the new National Geographic documentary "Jane Goodall: The Hope", the 86-year-old also said everyone can make a difference.
- How do you view this pandemic? -
Goodall: It is our disregard for nature and our disrespect of the animals we should share the planet with that has caused this pandemic, that was predicted long ago. ...
Jane Goodall says 'disrespect for animals' caused pandemic - Our factory farming is abysmal but a shocking aspect of these wet markets is animals treated like bars of soap on the shelf --tma