Saturday, May 23, 2020

Gregory Hood: Why Conservatives Are Afraid of Free Speech - "Conservative ritual sacrifice should not surprise anyone, considering the 'movement’s' history of cowardice"

Last week, Right Wing Watch ran a hit piece on an employee at the Capital Research Center, criticizing her views about the Ahmaud Arbery shooting. The CRC folded. It updated its website and said the target was now a “former” employee. Conservative ritual sacrifice should not surprise anyone, considering the “movement’s” history of cowardice.
A simple tweet on a different front last week shows how dramatically different things could be. President Donald Trump thanked Michelle Malkin for her fight against “Radical Left” control over social media, and claimed his administration was going to “remedy this illegal situation.” His tweet included a link to video in which Miss Malkin denounced censorship — though the video was unavailable after the President tweeted it. ...