Sunday, November 8, 2020

Kirkpatrick: A Guide To What A Biden / Black Party Victory Will Mean For America - "Until we have a government that operates on reality rather than fantasies, Western Civilization will continue to decline until it reaches its final, inevitable extirpation"


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If President Donald Trump “loses” the 2020 election, it will be two critical reasons: 

1) white men did not support Donald Trump by the same margins as in 2016, (though we may need better data on this) [How voters shifted during four years of Trumpby Zachary Wolf, Curt Merrill, and Daniel Wolfe, CNN, November 4, 2020]; 

2) political machines in cities like Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, and other heavily black cities harvested enough votes for Joe Biden, Jared Kushner’s “Platinum Plan” notwithstanding. The Democratic Party has become the Black Party. To understand the implications, it’s important to read A Dissident’s Guide To Blacks And Africa. ...