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Liberal Feminists Demand More Violence and Sexism (aka Diverse Immigration)
Opening the Treason Lobby’s Fall Offensive, more than 100 women were arrested on Washington’s Capitol Hill recently as they blocked a street to demand that the House take up the Senate's Schumer-Rubio Amnesty/ Immigration Surge bill. The action was obviously sanctioned at the highest levels of Lefty feminism: arrestees included the top leaders of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and 9to5, the National Association of Working Women.
The New York Times unguardedly reported that the event was in part a ploy to scare up new members:
Leaders of the liberal women’s organizations said they were embracing immigration in a bid to expand their following among immigrant and Latina women, both fast-growing populations.Women’s Groups Rally for Immigration Reform, by Julia Preston, New York Times, September 12, 2013
Elite feminists, of course, place the highest importance on remaining part of the liberal coalition, which is fanatically pushing to Elect A New People. But apparently they also see immigrant misogyny as a growth opportunity for their organizations, now that a lot of homegrown sexism has withered away.
The same dynamic can be seen with MADD Mothers Against Drunk Drivers): it turned to diverse outreach to foreigners after successfully educating Americans—and makes no effort at all to confront illegal immigrants, whose lethal drunk driving is a continuing national scandal. After all, MADD has well-paid executives who want to maintain their liberal credentials and their generous paychecks. A solved problem means no need for continued fund-raising (and –spending).
Equally, environmental groups like the Sierra Club violate first principles of ecosystem protection to be a part of the left open-borders coalition (and get lots of money from funders).
My question as a 1960s feminist: Whatever happened to the women's movement? In the beginning it did useful things, like promoting equality in the workplace and general safety overall. Now it has jumped on the multicultural immigration bandwagon—even though diversity is the enemy of American women’s safety and freedom. . . .