Monday, September 9, 2013

What to Do about Black Crime? (Insightful idea or another clueless reform? You decide.)

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What to Do about Black Crime?

By Robert Weissberg
In today's sensitive times, "crime" is often interpreted as a code word for "black crime," and even raising the subject invites accusations of hurtful racism.  Nevertheless, rampant African-American criminality is not some racist fantasy, and it is getting worse.
The overall U.S. murder rate has been falling in recent years, but it is rising among blacks, and especially black males.  Blacks constitute 14% of the population but commit murder at 7 to 8 times the white rate.  In 1960, the rate of incarceration for black males per 100,000 was 1,313; by 2010, it had soared to 4,347 (see here).  And scarcely a day passes without some horrific incidents of young blacks shooting innocent black bystanders -- often children, even toddlers.
Can this horrific trend be reversed and, most critically, in a way that does not exacerbate already simmering racial tensions?  The answer is yes, and, at least in principle, it would not be all that difficult or expensive.  The solution requires energizing ordinary blacks to take more responsibility for personal safety -- not, as is almost always the case, demanding that "somebody else" solve the problem. . . . 

     It is significant that an article obviously meant to tell everyone the hard truths about black crime still can't manage to talk about black-on-white violent crime. There are horrific black-on-white violent crimes every day, but apparently we don't need to discuss them, since it is only whites being tortured, raped and murdered (see Colin Flaherty, 'White Girl Bleed a Lot).

     An army of neighborhood watch people is fine with me, but if this sort of thinking, spirit, or whatever you want to call it, does not already exist among any significant percentage of blacks in these neighborhoods where blacks themselves are getting hammered by each other, it is highly unlikely it can be artificially created by do-gooder whites and a minuscule percentage of public-spirited inner-city blacks.

     Also, this paying people to be 'snitches for the Man,' because that, or likely worse, is what neighbors would call them, sounds like the endless sensible on-paper reforms we white people endearingly come up with before we are flattened once again by the great flyswatter of reality in the sky. Likely one of the first consequences of all this money being pumped into inner-city neighborhoods will be a lot of scams, bribes, payoffs and every other manner of corruption, in order to gleefully spend the public funds in a way that will further line the pockets of criminals.  

     The article does end on a note of sanity. Yes, if all these endlessly tried law enforcement and crime prevention reforms fail, the only real answer is ever more segregation, which is already quietly taking place, even among liberals. Few whites, even liberals, are willing to sacrifice themselves to nonwhite violent crime. Even fewer want to sacrifice their children, for one thing, sending little wide-eyed Ben and Emma into the roaring wood-chipper of minority schools.

     It is interesting and tragic how true have become so many of the predictions of the Southern segregationists of the 1950s and '60s. Northerners, including yours truly, mocked them when they said crime would run rampant, when they said blacks could not govern themselves and that--the most ludicrous of all!--someday there would be discrimination against whites. 

     Today we look at places like Detroit and Flint, and see what Memphis has become, with Atlanta not far behind, and all of this along with anti-white discrimination not only being allowed, but enshrined in the decisions of the Supreme Court and federal, state and local governments. And so inculcated is the fashion accessory of anti-white discrimination among white elites that even when universities are required by some state laws to stop anti-white discrimination, they just turn around and find some other covert way to continue. 

     Therefore, as big a problem as violent black crime currently has become, that American elected governments and other ruling elites, from universities to Hollywood, have thrown their own people to the wolves is the most horrific crime of all.