Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Save the Salamanders! - 'Matt Ellerbeck (The Salamander Man) aims to protect and preserve salamanders for their intrinsic value.'

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Salamanders are in a terrible crisis. Copious numbers of salamander species are disappearing from the wild at a daunting rate. Unfortunately, due to their secretive and cryptic nature, salamanders are not commonly seen by people. This means the decline in salamanders largely goes unnoticed - even as species dwindle and become extirpated (locally extinct and exterminated). Salamanders are further at risk due to the fact that few conservation groups are solely devoted to their recovery, and the general public is largely indifferent to saving ''slimy amphibians.''

Aside from the conservation concerns that afflict salamanders, these amphibians are also subjected to many forms of cruelty and exploitation. Yet virtually no attention is given to salamanders from animal welfare advocates. 

Save The Salamanders is a progressive wildlife conservation & environmental venture created and run by Matt Ellerbeck (The Salamander Man), who is a Salamander Advocate & Conservationist.

Matt aims to help contribute to the conservation of salamanders to ensure their continuing survival. This means the recovery and protection of threatened and endangered salamander species, their critical habitats, and their declining populations. The word conservation is often used to describe a movement that aims to conserve natural resources and species expressly for their continued sustainable use by humans. In this sense a conservationist views the environment as having instrumental value that can be of help to people. Matt, however, aims to protect and preserve salamanders for their intrinsic value. Salamanders have inherent worth, regardless of any instrumental utility to human needs. . . .