Monday, January 20, 2014

Knoxville, TN: White Supremacist Banner Removed from Overpass (You've go to love the logic. Any criticism of whites being rapidly demographically phased out is "White Supremacist." But I dare any sane person to listen to these two airhead news anchors without laughing.)

White Supremacist Banner Removed from Overpass

A white supremacist banner was removed from an overpass by police in Knoxville, TN earlier this week. The banner’s message read, “DIVERSITY IS A CODE WORD FOR WHITE GENOCIDE.” This note is based on a phrase commonly used in white supremacist circles. Elliot Hill and Lissette Padilla discuss the disturbing nature of the bigotry that has been occurring frequently in this area of the country, as of late, in this clip from the Lip News.