Friday, January 24, 2014

Patrick J. Buchanan: Dr. Pangloss, Free Trader - "The tombstones of countless dead towns across America should read: Killed by Free Trade."

Dr. Pangloss, Free Trader

Dr. Pangloss, Free Trader
Linfen, China

“We've outsourced our manufacturing and much of our pollution, but some of it is blowing back across the Pacific to haunt us.”
So says University of California scientist Steve Davis.
Smog from Chinese factories has already saturated cities like Beijing, where residents go about in surgical masks, and crossed the East China Sea to foul the air of Korea and Japan.
Now China’s smog is coming to America’s West.
Among the pollutants wafting their way over the Pacific, says the Guardian, is black carbon, which is “linked to cancer, emphysema and heart and lung diseases,” and travels “huge distances on global winds known as ‘westerlies.’” . . .

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