Monday, June 2, 2014

Rand Paul’s Gotta Get Beyond Pandering to Minorities - "Right now we’re cursed by GOP leadership that prefers to cater to minority whims and ethnic phobias, instead of standing up for the law-abiding majority. In Paul’s case, it runs in the family." (I gave up on Howdy Doody long ago.)

Rand Paul’s Gotta Get Beyond Pandering to Minorities

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Senator Rand Paul has teamed up with Obama advisor David Axelrod and agreed on the open borders, multiculti amnesty consensus. Paul and Axelrod want the eleven million illegal aliens to stay and enrich your community:
David Axelrod: So you would grant them a legalized status in the form of a work visa and allow them to await citizenship?
Rand Paul: Right
[Rand Paul discusses Immigration Reform with David, May 23, 2014]
Like most libertarians, but certainly not all, Rand Paul is a gullible, well-meaning white male who refuses to face racial realities. . . .