Tuesday, September 16, 2014

AmRen - Jared Taylor: Scotland Should Stay in the Union - “Along with generous welfare, socialist Scotland would pride itself on ‘anti-racism.’ As the Scottish Nationalist party website explains, ‘An independent Scotland will have an inclusive approach to citizenship and a humane approach to asylum seekers and refugees.’ That means welcoming swarms of Syrian refugees and Senegalese street Arabs in the fatal delusion that their arrival was somehow an affirmation of Scottish genius.”

Scotland Should Stay in the Union


Independence for the wrong reasons would be a mistake.

I almost always support separation. I believe the Kurds, the Chechens, the Tibetans, and the Uyghurs deserve independent countries. The Czechs and the Slovaks are happier apart, and so are all the remnants of the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, but on September 18, I hope the Scots vote to stay in the United Kingdom. Why?
It seems to me that Scots want independence for economic rather than national reasons and, even worse, that they have no idea what a Scot is. I predict that an independent Scotland would have bad economic policies and a disastrous immigration policy, and that independence would be a terrible mistake. ...