Sunday, September 28, 2014

VDARE - Brenda Walker: AP Promotes African Refugee Farmers Being Given Plots Of AMERICAN Land - "America as the world’s flophouse! Let’s celebrate diversity!"

AP Promotes African Refugee Farmers Being Given Plots Of AMERICAN Land

Shortage of farmers in Iowa?

The Associated Press has a happy-talk story about African refugees being given plots of land — from “federal grants,” aka tax money — to grow vegetables, as if nobody else was responding to the increasing demand for fresh veggies.
Is farming a job Americans don’t want to do? Must we import illiterate foreigners to grow vegetables?
On the contrary, where I live in northern California at least, farmers’ markets have stalls of growers who are English-speaking Americans. ...

Refugees Settle in Thanks to Small Farm Plots, Associated Press, September 27, 2014
The rapidly rising demand for locally grown fruits and vegetables has created a robust new market for refugees who fled violence in their home countries and found peace in farming small plots of land in several U.S. cities.
     Anytime the Multicultural Marxist media is talking about in-migration or population growth and they use the term "robust," be very afraid.