Sunday, September 7, 2014

Taki: Hate on the March - "Islamic Europe? Well, Brussels is 40 percent Muslim, and there are 5.5 million Muslims in France alone, with no-go areas in Paris and other major cities. Britain has close to 4 million Allah followers, with thousands of imams teaching hate of the infidel ..."

Hate on the March

Hate on the March

An American friend who is very well connected in Washington, D.C. was telling me he’s worried about Europe. So what else is new, I said. “No, I really mean it, future generations could grow up under Islamic rule.” It was a John McEnroe moment, as in you can’t be serious. He assured me he was. Let’s see, anything is possible, but an Islamic Europe? Well, Brussels is 40 percent Muslim, and there are 5.5 million Muslims in France alone, with no-go areas in Paris and other major cities. Britain has close to 4 million Allah followers, with thousands of imams teaching hate of the infidel to young and old alike while pusillanimous politicians and human rights lobbies ensure any dissenting Christian voices are stillborn. Would-be jihadists are free to come and go while European border controls subject middle-aged Europeans to stringent body searches, especially if Grandma is in a wheelchair.
Even worse, 1,400 underage girls were left to be abused by Pakistani and other Asian men because the authorities in Britain feared being labeled racist. ...