Monday, October 6, 2014

AmRen - Jared Taylor: Towards a World Brotherhood of Europeans (Taylor's speech in Hungary, which received a standing ovation.) - "Of course, diversity is a terrible weakness. It pits different groups against each other and destroys trust. In every part of the world, when peoples who are different in language, religion, or race try to share the same territory, there is conflict."

Towards a World Brotherhood of Europeans


Jared Taylor's speech at the "forbidden" NPI conference.
Editor’s Note: This is Jared Taylor’s address to the National Policy Institute’s “Future of Europe” conference in Budapest, Hungary. The event was held despite persecution from the highest levels of the Hungarian government. Mr. Taylor’s comprehensive write-up of the conference is here.
It is a great honor to be speaking to you today and I would like to thank the sponsors and organizers for making this wonderful occasion possible.
I have many opportunities to speak to my American friends, so I would like to address my remarks to our European comrades.
I am grateful to be able to speak to you in my native language. We Americans are very bad at foreign languages, and I especially thank all of you in the audience who are making the effort to listen to me in what is for you a second or third language.
We are here to talk about the future of Europe. So why am I, an American, speaking to you?
Of course, it is because although I am a citizen of the United States I am a European. My country was founded by men who were, in every important respect, European. Their language, their religion, their culture, their institutions were all profoundly and exclusively European. Their blood was European. My own ancestors were mostly English but some were Scots, Dutch, and French Huguenot.
Europe is my ancestral home, my spiritual and cultural home.
It is also the ancestral home for millions of other sons and daughters of Europe who live thousands of miles away. They live in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and South Africa. Many people from those countries are with us in spirit this evening, because for them too, there is nothing more important than the future of Europe, for they too, in their far-off lands, have also created Europe.
Ladies and gentlemen, when I speak of Europe, I mean a priceless cultural achievement built over millennia by our ancestors, but I also mean an equally priceless genetic heritage. Our culture as Europeans cannot be separated from the distinct people that created it. We Europeans, all of us, are united at the most basic level by biology. We are of the same tribe. We, in this room, have a much closer physical kinship to each other than to anyone whose origins are outside of Europe.
I believe that in order to understand Europe, to love and to defend it, it is essential to realize that we are of one race. No other race of people could have built Europe, and no other race will defend it and carry its unique civilization forward in a meaningful way. In this sense, our people and our civilization are one and the same: Where you find our people, you find our civilization; where you find our civilization, you find our people. ...