Friday, October 3, 2014

WND: Say what? 'Loony tune' Democrat Graig Meyer, D-Chapel Hill, N.C., ashamed of 'being white' (Ever suspect that if it were suddenly made socially, economically and politically fashionable to wear half a watermelon rind on our heads, the next day two out of every three people you see walking down the street would be sporting watermelon helmets?)

Say what? 'Loony tune' Democrat ashamed of 'being white'

Graig Meyer

“Just when you thought Chapel Hill couldn’t get any kookier along comes THIS GUY,” wrote Brant Clifton of the Daily Haymaker blog in a column about lawmaker Graig Meyer.
Meyer, described on the blog as “um, ‘interesting,’” was quoted discussing “Whiteness, White Guilt, and um, ‘White Supremacy’” in “Courageous Conversations About Race” by Glenn E. Singleton.
Subtitled “A Field Guide for Achieving Equity in Schools,” it includes Meyer’s comments.
The truly difficult work is looking deep within myself to recognize where my own reservoirs of whiteness reside and what value or burdens they present to me ..."