Monday, February 9, 2015

RR Watch - Ann Corcoran: Bacha Bazi and Islam: Devilish Deception, The Mullah’s Response, and Beyond Heaven’s Pearly Gates - Innocent boys are beautiful "pearls" for older men to enjoy at their leisure? Can I take a pass? I'd rather read a book. --tma

Bacha Bazi and Islam: Devilish Deception, The Mullah’s Response, and Beyond Heaven’s Pearly Gates

Editor:  This is the 4th in a series of guest posts by ‘Pungentpeppers’ about Bacha Bazi, the Afghan pedophile practice targeting boys that has made its way to the West (including possibly to the US).  Go here, here, and here to see the previous reports.    Part II (Australia grapples with Bacha Bazi compulsive predators) was our top post last week.

Bacha Bazi & Islam: Devilish Deception, The Mullah’s Response, and Beyond Heaven’s Pearly Gates

Why does Afghanistan, an Islamic country, allow men to prey on boys – men such as Ali Jaffariwho came to Australia, bringing his immorality with him? Do these men operate under some grand delusion? Their behavior is perplexing because Islam expressly and clearly and repeatedly forbids homosexuality. Yet in Afghanistan so many men – regardless of ethnic origin – actively engage in sexual activity with underage boys, contrary to religious law. This Bacha Bazi culture also pervades the tribal areas of Pakistan.
Afghanistan’s population is mostly tribal. The prevailing values system, which includes Bacha Bazi, is tribal. The people have values and morals – but their values system is very different from Western values. Their morality also differs from socially acceptable norms found in other Muslim societies. Afghans have adapted Islam to fit their own tribal values and customs. In so doing, they twist certain Islamic teachings into something peculiarly Afghan.
Afghans pedophiles do not admit that they are breaking Islamic law. Incredibly, they claim that Bacha Bazi is permitted and sanctioned by Islam. 
As usual, the Devil finds ingenious ways to let people deceive themselves.
Some of the deceptions: Women are “impure”; boys without beards are not men; the men are not “in love”, just having sex; the men are not homosexual since they have wives. Such silly arguments are not worth airing. Instead, let’s explore some puzzling Koranic references Afghans use to justify Bacha Bazi.

The Rewards of Paradise: Young, Beautiful, Eternal Boys like Pearls

Bacha Bazi perpetrators say that the Koran allows pedophilia with boys, per passages in the Koran that describe the afterlife in Paradise:
There will circulate among them [servant] boys [especially] for them, as if they were pearls well-protected. [52:24]
There will circulate among them young boys made eternal with vessels, pitchers and a cup [of wine] from a flowing spring. [56:17-18]
There will circulate among them young boys made eternal. When you see them, you would think them [as beautiful as] scattered pearls. [76:19]
These passages, that supposedly justify Bacha Bazi, mention neither sexual rewards nor boys on earth. These eternal beings compared to “pearls”, who are circulating and moving in Paradise and offering refreshments, are called “boys” in English, but the words used for them in Arabic are not identical. Other English translations say they are “youths” or “young men” or “menservants”. The words chosen depend on what the translators think was meant. In Persian, a language used in Afghanistan, the Koran translation for the first entry shows “boy” (in Persian the word is applicable to many different ages), while the second and third ones make use of a term that refers only to pre-teens and teens. You cannot take these translations literally, for they contradict each other. But nowhere do they say that Bacha Bazi is allowed. I will share with you a very different translation in a bit, but first let us make a visit to Afghanistan.