Saturday, February 7, 2015

RR Watch - Ann Corcoran: Deadline Monday, Feb. 9th, for input to White House refugee/migrant “integration” strategy plan - By Feb 9th, be sure to tell the White House how best to "integrate" 3rd World violence, corruption & poverty into your neighborhood! --tma

Deadline Monday, Feb. 9th, for input to White House refugee/migrant “integration” strategy plan

Update!  It is not too late, just let them know how you are feeling about all this over the weekend, some of our readers have done so.
Just received this notice from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (we told you about it here previously):
Cecilia Munoz, formerly of La Raza (the race) is in charge of developing the propaganda plan.

Dear Colleagues,

As you all know, in November 2014, the President created a White House Task Force on New Americans.  The goal of the Task Force is to develop a federal immigrant and refugee integration strategy that allows new Americans to contribute to society to their fullest potential and bring new Americans together with their receiving communities to strengthen communities.

Yesterdaythe White House issued a Blog post highlighting the creation of the Task Force

Additionally, the blog is intended to serve as a Call For Ideas to help shape the focus of the federal immigration and refugee integration strategy.  The White House created a specific email account for gathering stakeholder ideas; Please send your ideas, big or small, to NewAmericans@who.eop.govby February 9th, 2015. 

In the effort to lift up attention to the blog and the call for new ideas, please consider sharing far and wide with your networks and partners.  Thank you!


Office of the Press Secretary