Wednesday, May 27, 2015

American Thinker - Newsmachete - New York Times: Whites moving into Hispanic areas [like San Francisco's Mission District] is not diversity - "Hispanic residents were not the first people to settle the Mission. They moved in and replaced Jewish, Irish, and other groups who were the original residents. To claim that Hispanics have the right to live in the Mission forever is to ignore the pioneer residents of the neighborhood."

New York Times: Whites moving into Hispanic areas is not diversity

Image result for san francisco mission district

The New York Times published an article about mostly White dotcommers moving into a Hispanic neighborhood of San Francisco called the Mission District. But nowhere in this article did the Times ever use the word "diversity." This is puzzling, because in every other article where they talk about adding more Blacks or Hispanics to a white population, they always celebrate that as the merits of diversity. But not this time ...