Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Guardian: Some Californians have found a new drought scapegoat: immigration - Whether UK or US, the media Left cannot help lying: (1) Continued redoublings of CA's population numbers OBVIOUSLY impact resource shortages; (2) Many environmental scientists agree. --tma

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Image result for california freeway congestion

Some Californians have found a new drought scapegoat: immigration

Some people blame California’s enduring drought on the nut farmers. Others vent against those in Beverly Hills, who keep their estates green while neighbours in the flatlands turn off sprinklers under threat of heavy fines.
Now comes the latest, perhaps inevitable, scapegoat: immigration.
A group called Californians for Population Stabilization, which has courted controversy down the years, says it’s a matter of simple mathematics. The state now has nearly 40 million residents, 10 million or so more than it did 25 years ago, and a lot of the new arrivals are from other countries.
Therefore, they argue, it’s their fault.
“California’s drought could have been prevented with responsible immigration policies and limited population growth,” one of the group’s recent Facebook posts reads.
Another says, more ominously: “The drought has never been just about water.”
No policymaker or environmental scientist is taking this line of argument terribly seriously ...

     The globalist Left has a technique of stating a common-sense factual reality, like, say, 'The sky is blue,' as if it were the height of absurdity. By the Guardian's logic, you could cram a billion more people into California and any talk of that causing greater resource shortages would still be 'scapegoating' or 'blaming' migrants, and their offspring. 

     At one time I thought this was a sort of clueless idealism or utopianism, but it is done so systematically and relentlessly, there is obviously at work another motivation that is far more sinister.