Friday, January 12, 2018

AmRen - Gregory Hood - White Renegade of the Year—2017: John McCain - His life has been one long act of sabotage of everything Americans created.

The White Renegade of the Year is the man who could have done the most good for his people, but instead did the most harm. This year’s winner fits the description not just for this year, but for his entire generation. John McCain exemplifies a form of anti-white politics that goes beyond what has been called “cuckservatism.” His consistent work against the European-American population did not come out of cowardice or fecklessness, but instead, a deeply held belief that this country belongs to everyone but whites. And what is truly dispiriting about Senator McCain is that even as he nears death, in his mind, he no doubt sees himself as a patriot, a role model, as someone Americans of the past would admire, even though his life has been one long act of sabotage of everything they created.
From his earliest days, Senator John McCain was a man defined by a feeling of entitlement. Descended from one of America’s most notable military families, the young Mr. McCain was always destined for the Academy and a naval career. “I remember simply recognizing my eventual enrollment at the Academy as an immutable fact of life,” he wrote in his memoir. Once at the academy, he immediately began racking up demerits, flirting with expulsion, and relying on his family name to get out of trouble. He was even willing to let other students take demerits for his own offenses, ruining one student’s perfect record only weeks from graduation. ...