Monday, January 29, 2018

Smithsonian, like rest of MSM, trying to convince us the concept of overpopulation is passe - At the same time we must take third world's population overflow?

     This article is yet another reminder that any intelligent discussion of overpopulation has nearly been driven from the public square. The result of the same relentless campaign in the MSM, the Globalist corporate world, the fashionable virtue-signaling Multi-Cultural Marxists and others to promote open borders into the West. Where to start? 

     Suffice it to provide a couple of examples. It is routinely reported that Africa's exploding population is why Africans MUST invade the West, and why we MUST accept them. Until When? Incredibly, Africa's runaway overpopulation nightmare has now been re-framed as a success. You see, as President Obama crowed, "Africa has the youngest population!" Well yes, if I decided to have 25 kids, I probably would have the youngest household population on the block, but who would pay for them all? India has over-the-horizon shantytowns where human sewage is the order of the, but, hey--they have a space program! 

     But, rest assured, as this article strongly implies, the world, including the U.S., can infinitely redouble its population numbers, as more and more people suffer in squalor, and more wars break out over limited resources, and as more and more of Mother Nature gets paved over. And as science and technology tethers us all out ever farther away from sustainability until some Armageddon population crash, or a series of crashes, which should remind us of what happens when a 'higher' species selfishly chases utopia and adopts the multiplication philosophy of the locust swarm or the cancer cell.