Monday, January 15, 2018

VDare - Clayton Bishop - On Martin Luther King Day: Will #MeToo Do To The MLK Myth What Plagiarism, Adultery, Communism, Haven’t—Yet?

Image result for martin luther king jr

The #MeToo witch-hunt is taking down Leftist Senators, celebrities and businessmen. Could it take down Martin Luther King, modern America’s greatest icon?
The truth about King has been there since the beginning for those who cared to look. Back in 1983, Meldrim Thomson Jr., the former governor of New Hampshire and a big supporter of Ronald Reagan’s 1980 presidential campaign, wrote a letter to then-President Reagan imploring him to veto the legislation establishing the holiday. Thomson denounced King as a man “of immoral character whose frequent associations with leading agents of communism is well established”. [Honoring the King Mythby John McManus, The New American, January 4, 1999]  Reagan responded, essentially conceding Thomson’s point but saying King’s image had become more important than reality ...