Sunday, August 19, 2018

Defend Europa: 5 Minute Guide to The 2018 Swedish Election - Good news v bad news: Migration critical Sweden Dems riding higher in polls v It's nutty civic nationalist leaders just fine with Swedish blue-eyed blondes becoming a thing of the past --tma

Image result for sweden democrats attacked by muslims

Next month, the population of Sweden will go to the polls in order to elect a new government in the 2018 Swedish Election. The election will take place on Sunday 9th September and the Scandinavian country will be given the chance to knock left-leaning Prime Minister, Stefan Löfven, from his throne.
Sweden has suffered the effects of immigration more than any other country in Europe in recent years. More than 600,000 “refugees” have entered Sweden since 2013; a huge figure for a country that has a population of less than 10 million people. Native Swedes currently make up less than 70% of the population of Sweden and this figure is dropping by around 1% per year.
Next month’s election has certainly come at a crucial time. Below I will detail what the current political situation is like in Sweden and provide some information about a few key parties. ...