Friday, August 10, 2018

WSJ: In France, Even the Rats Have Rights - If only such rat activists cared half as much about the demographic survival of the native French --tma

A young rat aspires to be a Parisian chef in ‘Ratatouille.’
'Ratatouille,' Disney

PARIS—Rats were popping up at supermarkets, parks and nurseries when a city official convened a crisis meeting last fall to discuss ways to cull the population.
That was the first time Geoffroy Boulard, mayor of the 17th arrondissement in northwestern Paris, realized the rodents are backed by a vocal lobby. Ten protesters stepped forward to denounce exterminators’ plans to poison the animals. They urged a more humane method: Deploy birth-control drugs.
Their position was “indefensible, given the scale of the infestation,” says Mr. Boulard. “We can’t get accustomed to having rats in public spaces.” ...