Monday, August 6, 2018

Defend Evropa: South Africa – Is the Civil War Brewing? - South Africa – Civil War Brewing? - White farmers working on evacuation plans - How much of a defense could they wage on black military, black cops, tidal wave of black savagery? - US probably won't help, as in Berkeley, San Jose, open season on whites --tma

Under the silent gaze of the international community, South Africa’s latest governmental actions endanger the white farmers and sow the seeds for a civil war.
“On Thursday, South Africans through the publicly elected representatives, in Parliament,voted overwhelmingly in support of of the motion to accelerate equitable land redistribution through expropriation of land without compensation.”
Only a handful of months ago, on March 1st. That’s when this announcement, made by Cyril Ramaphosa, current President of South Africa and leader of the African National Congress (ANC), made it to the news. The motion is intended to amend Section 25 of the Constitution and make possible, for the government, to go through with the promises of forceful land expropriation against the white farmers. The motion passed with minimal opposition. An overwhelming 241 votes in favour, 83 against,  supported by both the ANC and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF)- the same ANC that labels the farmer as murderers openly on social media, and the same EFF known to dance and sing anti-Boer songs to their rallies. ...