Wednesday, August 15, 2018

RRW - Lancaster, PA: Church World Service and new mayor want the city to continue as “refugee capital of the USA”- Image: Lancaster Mayor Danene Sorace

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Lancaster Mayor Danene Sorace

Posted by Ann Corcoran on August 14, 2018
cws logoSo, federal refugee contractor Church World Service is beefing up its political activist activities with new hires and holding events like this one on Sunday in the heart of Amish country. (And they are not just protesting for more refugees, they want open borders for all!).

Lancaster advocates, leaders criticize immigration policies during ‘March for Humanity’

Decrying the strict immigration policies that have made the U.S. border harder to cross in both legal and illegal ways, Lancaster’s preeminent refugee resettlement organization led a call for action on Sunday.
“We have to stand up, be loud and lift our voices in solidarity with all of our neighbors regardless of where they’re from,”Stephanie Gromek, a spokeswoman for Lancaster’s Church World Service office, told a crowd of more than 100 in Penn Square. ...