Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Michael Barone's Shrinking Migration Fantasy

Michael Barone: Can big government be rolled back?
Washington Examiner, December 10, 2012 

"That’s the title of the e-book I have written and which has just been published on-line by American Enterprise Institute, where I’m a resident fellow. I took a look at the public policy results after a series of elections in which big government policies were or arguably were repudiated by voters. The results varied. Sometimes big government policies were significantly, though not totally, rolled back; sometimes now. Big government can be rolled back, but it requires hard work, strong leadership, serious preparation and dogged perseverance."


     Interestingly, some of Michael Barone's previous columns advertise another book of his coming out, saying that mass immigration will soon be magically withering away, you know, like Irish and Italian immigration once did. Besides the Irish and Italians being European and  separated from us by a big fence--the Atlantic Ocean, it is futile to try to point out to such neocons with and agenda like Barone the countless glaring differences between then and now. 


     Obviously the collapse of the U.S. construction bubble meant less of a magnet to draw invaders, but combine our purposely slipshod border enforcement, Mexico's relative poverty and its never-ending growth in overpopulation and you have a formula for endlessly invading the U.S. at various levels and America's continued political takeover. Ironically, this will be done as Mexico continues to become increasingly overpopulated and impoverished. Only good news is that after the U.S. becomes just another teeming corrupt polluted violent crime-ridden third-world pesthole, it will no longer be able to 'help' such nations as Mexico. 

     On big government, there might be a slight government shrinkage here and there, but as America itself becomes ever more overpopulated and ever more third-world, due to never-ending mass third-world legal and illegal in-migration (including offspring)--something that neocons like Michael Barone propagandize in favor of at every turn--the federal and state governments will continue to grow like noxious weeds, demanding ever more taxes from European Americans (as well as high-income Asians and other groups) and redistributing it to others. 

     This is also true of 'red states,' of which each election there will be fewer, as anti-Western-civilization demographic change (in all Western nations) continues to work its inexorable destructive will. And, yes, Michael Barone, a majority of Americans in polls always say they are against big government, just as they always say they are in favor of border enforcement and less legal immigration--whereupon ruling political and media elites simply smirk and continue their civilization-killing policies.