Friday, December 7, 2012

How To Help Haiti? Stop 'Helping'

Study underscores hunger problems facing Haiti
AP Staff Writer, Washington Examiner, December 7, 2012 

"PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — A new study says that Haitians have suffered widespread hunger following an unusually active storm season this year and are likely to experience more.
"The findings show that rural homes in Haiti's west, north and Grand-Anse departments experienced 'severe food shortages' after Hurricane Sandy and a less powerful unnamed storm that followed. The two brushed Haiti in October and November.
"The study also finds that people in almost 70 percent of households interviewed said they experienced moderate or severe hunger.
"The report echoes United Nations warnings that more than 1.5 million people in Haiti are at risk of malnutrition because of crops lost in the storms. Up to 90 percent of Haiti's harvest season was destroyed in Sandy's floods.
"The Brazil nonprofit Igarape Institute released the report Friday.

     Truly sad, but to save time and effort, why not just post the basics of this article on Haiti every few months. It will still be accurate. In colonial times that island was one of the most lush and prosperous places in the New World. Natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes only intensify the nightmare. 

     We can't force people not to be dysfunctional in creating or trying to maintain modern societies that were handed over to them by Westerners when they left, as we also have seen in Zimbabwe, formerly Rhodesia, now having slid back down into its ignorant corrupt violent swamp, with South Africa soon to follow. 

     The West has only killed more people in Haiti by its endless food shipments, its fashionable Hollywood and ex-president celebrity events and other misguided "aid" that have only helped to endlessly intensify Haiti's grotesque overpopulation and environmental degradation. As well as by having introduced modern weaponry to formerly near-stone age no-written-language cultures. And, yes, nor did they invent and use the atomic bomb. No one is saying that they are inferior to the West in some cosmic sense. But we are all not "equal" in the way that is endlessly propagandized. 

     Haiti, as humanely as possible, needs to slowly but drastically reduce its population to the tribal village level that will be able to live on a re-greened island, with restocked wild and domestic animals, so that it is no longer an environmental and societal wasteland, but a sustainable decent place to live.

     After that it can be helped at least a little by restricted eco-tourism. Restricted because trying to direct another tsunami of money into that 'nation' to make it more "modern" is, in the long-run, the biggest people-killing disaster of all.