Immigration bill splits GOP on national-local line
WASHINGTON (AP) — The immigration debate is threatening to split the Republican Party, pitting those who focus mainly on presidential elections against those who care mostly about congressional races.
Strategists say that if Republicans are to win presidential elections, which they've been losing lately, partly because of dismal support from Hispanic voters, they must soften their rhetoric about illegal immigrants and embrace some version of "immigration reform."
But granting illegal residents a path to citizenship, which critics call "amnesty," is deeply unpopular in many House Republicans' districts.
President Barack Obama wants such a pathway. So do some prominent GOP lawmakers who are seeking a way out of their party's jam. ...
With all due respect, the Washington Examiner should know better than to force-feed its readers a story like this one written by the PC-AP. If there weren't enough bells and whistles already flagging the article's pro-illegal bias, just look at the spin at the end--the last five paragraphs no less.
This great congressional pro-amnesty compromise is made up, on the Republican side, of people like McCain who have always championed amnesties. The DREAM Act was their most recent earlier attempt to get the amnesty burro's nose under the tent. This time it is the drumbeat by the pro-amnesty press and others about the presidential election results. As if the mainstream media would actually want to help the GOP win in the future. (I'm not even a Republican, so it is hard for me to feel sorry for the latest GOP stupidity, having been so deservedly termed for many years, by so many conservatives and alternative-right types, "the Stupid Party.")
The split of local and national Republicans on enforcing the law, versus an amnesty/"path to" is itself insane. What good would it do to grant yet another amnesty and utter every pretty word you can come up with about illegal Hispanics and others--actually the slightest peep criticizing illegals is considered to be a racial slur by the Tolerance Police and the self-appointed ethnic leaders--if it will only mean maybe a 5 percentage point jump in getting their vote, when in the future amnesties will mean, counting offspring, hundreds of millions more Democratic voters.
"On the other hand, converting millions of illegal Hispanic residents into citizens might produce large numbers of new voters who will lean Democratic for years."
"Might lean Democratic"? How about will landslide Democratic. And "for many years"? So the worse case scenario for the GOP is that after many years a majority of Hispanics/Latinos still might magically be transformed into anti-government programs anti-further amnesties anti-affirmative action conservatives? DREAM on Stupid Party.