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Activists at U-M trying to force engineering students to study race and ethnicity'
To become a good engineer of business major, a student must first study the all-important subjects of race and ethnicity — at least according to student government leaders
at the University of Michigan, who are working to extend the liberal arts college’s race requirements to all colleges of the university.
A proposal, drafted by members of the Central Student
Government, aims to reform the requirement that all students in the College of Literature, Science and the Arts study race and ethnicity before graduation. Moving forward, all students–even those in the Colleges of Engineering and Business — would be forced to take a class with a racial component, if the proposal were approved by faculty.
Sagar Lathia, president of the LSA Student Government
, which is separate from CSG, supports the change. He told The Michigan Daily that students studying business and economics had just as much reason to take R&E classes as their peers in LSA.
It would be helpful for economics students to study
“poverty, inequality and labor through the scope of race,” he suggested. . . .