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Is Sheldon Adelson the one man any Republican presidential hopeful must woo?
If Democrats are "Ready for Hillary" in 2016 – as the Democratic "super political action committee" suggests – then perhaps Republicans are "Itching for Adelson."
As the FiveThirtyEight noted last week, the Republican presidential field hasn't been this muddled at this admittedly early point in the race in 40 years. So while Democrats are trying to decide what color tiara to get for Mrs. Clinton, Republicans haven't even decided who's in the game yet.
And that's where Sheldon Adelson comes in. Mr. Adelson, a casino magnate and (according to Forbes) the eighth richest man in the world, hosted four potential 2016 Republican presidential candidates at his Venetian casino in Las Vegasthis weekend. It was ostensibly a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition, and while scores of potential donors were present, the event was informally known as the "Sheldon Adelson primary."
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"Adelsons . . . believe will have broad appeal to an increasingly diverse national electorate . . . Adelson's millions will not be going to someone who advises stepping back America's military involvement"
Like most members of the Tribe, mostly surging through the Democratic Party bloodstream, they want ever more 'diversity' / ever fewer Whites and endless interventions and wars, using White Gentile cannon fodder, to protect Israel from every known or imagined future threat. Recommended reading: 'The Culture of Critique.'