France: EU shaken by rise of Le Pen in polls

As the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by mostly Muslim asylum seekers (aka illegal aliens) continues unabated, it naturally increases the popularity of Marine Le Pen’s Front National party.
From The Spectator:
…. the country that most worries European policymakers isn't Greece or Spain but France. Its economy is showing no signs of recovering and its politics are threatening to become very ugly indeed.
If anyone of European heritage does so much as lifts one eyebrow in skepticism at being demographically erased, the CLM (Corrupt Leftist Media) will report it as their getting "ugly."
A new poll published this week shows the Front National’s Marine Le Pen topping the first round of the French presidential election. The poll by Ifop for Marianne magazine has Le Pen on 29%, Sarkozy on 23% and Hollande on 21%. Now, the polls do show her losing in the second round to both men. But, in a sign of how much has changed since 2002 when her father polled a mere 18% in the final round against Jacques Chirac, she is on 45% against Hollande and 40% against Sarkozy.
The US needs a party like this one!